Population growth increases the demand for food, clears the land for farmland, building and construction needs that results in heat gain over time. The energy reverses prematurely and the water tables alter along the plate. Over time this has resulted in massive climatic events having massive impacts on past civilizations.
Volcanic eruptions indicated that eruptions occur just less than 30 years prior to climatic events. These include the collapse of the Mayan Empire, the Little Ice Age in Europe, collapse of the Anasaza civilization, Inca and Aztec Empires, the Dust Bowl era, and today. All were plotted out and detected in volcanic eruption search with the last rise being the 1980’s.
By boxing in this heat through the summer months, it naturally stores this extending the summer months for life to reproduce. We do not directly warm the planet by our activities but alter the way the planet responds to the suns solar radiance.
Tectonic plates increasing in heat also must conform to the laws of expansion and contraction and was observed in volcanic eruption research. Although the temperatures deep beneath the surface alter less than one degree centigrade per season, a gradual rise year by year will raise the surface temperatures in time by altering the heat gradients. Volcanic eruptions above VEI-4 and above the 10th latitude north occur far more frequently between January and June while researched over the past 200 years.
Out of 114 total eruptions in the world only two have ever occurred in the month of December. The North American plate is roughly 3,000 miles wide and if it was made of solid granite it would expand 84 feet per one degree of temperature rise. This process applies pressure to the neighboring plates acting as a shutoff valve for volcanic eruptions. The radiators in our automobiles use this same design by capping and pressurizing the fluid while hot, and then relieves additional pressure once cooled.
This expansion and contraction, along with gravitational pull, ocean tides, jet streams and internal forces beneath the plates move them across the surface like a snail creating what is known as “Continental Drift.”
Earthquakes were found to rise during periods of transition, spring and fall. In the northern hemisphere, they peak in April and October and as you travel north to Alaska the period of time extends to May and November. Earthquakes also increase as heat rises and is a natural progression of heat and pressure.
Earthquakes demonstrate transitional layers beneath the surface very similar to our atmospheric layers. Earthquakes drastically rise at 4 depths, 15km where the continental plates interact and 35km where magma exists in a gelatin form. The two other levels rise slightly again at 400km and then jump at 600km beneath the surface.
Liquid in a sealed container cannot be compressed and when pressure is applied the force is equally distributed in all directions. This is known as “Pascal’s Theory.” Oil is naturally found in chambers under pressure. When this oil is extracted from the Earth displacement occurs over time to adjust for the altering pressures and will increase earthquake activity in both frequency and magnitude. The longer the production and the increased volume removed, the greater this threat becomes. Just like a set of shocks absorbers on your car that uses oil for a smooth ride, when the oil leaks out a rough ride can be expected.
Current oil shale extraction is the greatest threat placed upon our world today. By heating the shale “Insitu” or in place heating, we increase the heat gradients beneath the surface. The heat applied will, in time, breach the surface.
When heat rises and resistance remains constant, the greater the temperatures will become. The Earth cannot destroy or take up this heat; this violates the law of thermodynamics because heat cannot be destroyed.
This heat will radiate in all directions and thermal equilibrium will be reached in time with the oil shale and the areas beneath where the temperature is equal to the shale, or 700 degrees. This will also increase the heat gradient beneath the region being heated creating a cap forcing the upcoming energy to remain trapped, and build.
Heat coming up from the core will build under these areas and once equilibrium is achieved it will build and rise to the surface. This heat will naturally bleed out from these areas following water flow as an outlet. The amount of heat that will reach the surface, in time, will be 488 degrees and be dispersed among the area through underground water systems. Declining water levels will add heat in these regions and drastically raise the heat gradients in time. After the shale is liquefied down into oil and gas, fracking is used for extraction. This fracking will allow more rapid heat flow between the layers of rock and soil. With this heat, the amount and depth of the energy applied, the amount of time it is applied, the area size are all influencing factors in determining the amount of time before this heat becomes a factor.
The further we bore down beneath the surface, the more we realize we don’t know what lay beneath us. Science has speculated the amount of heat within the core but both kinetic energy from the movement of magma such as earthquakes, and electrical current flow increase heat.
Current governments actions to combat climate change are seen in the skies today and is called Geo-Engineering, also known as Chemtrails. This process adds a layer of resistance to the atmosphere and will, by the law, decrease heat on the surface. There will be consequences to this activity as we try our best to control our planet.
Our planet is nothing we can control and combating climate change will end in failure with additional side effects, and many are unknown.
As the Earth heats and pressure continues to build, surface volcanic activity declines. This pressure will find the easiest outlet and this is found in the deep-water oceans where both pressure and proximity to the source is greatest. Deep-sea volcanic activity will raise the Ocean temperatures creating an El-Nino effect and alter the chemical composition of the oceans. The process of displacement will raise the sea levels faster than science currently predicts.
Combating climate change is waging a war with Mother Nature, a war we are destined to lose. Geo-Engineering, GMO’s, growth hormones and other technology today has nothing to do with saving our planet but has become humanities way maintaining our capitalist way of life.
Population growth increases the demand for food, clears the land for farmland, building and construction needs that results in heat gain over time. The energy reverses prematurely and the water tables alter along the plate. Over time this has resulted in massive climatic events having massive impacts on past civilizations.
Volcanic eruptions indicated that eruptions occur just less than 30 years prior to climatic events. These include the collapse of the Mayan Empire, the Little Ice Age in Europe, collapse of the Anasaza civilization, Inca and Aztec Empires, the Dust Bowl era, and today. All were plotted out and detected in volcanic eruption search with the last rise being the 1980’s.
By boxing in this heat through the summer months, it naturally stores this extending the summer months for life to reproduce. We do not directly warm the planet by our activities but alter the way the planet responds to the suns solar radiance.
Tectonic plates increasing in heat also must conform to the laws of expansion and contraction and was observed in volcanic eruption research. Although the temperatures deep beneath the surface alter less than one degree centigrade per season, a gradual rise year by year will raise the surface temperatures in time by altering the heat gradients. Volcanic eruptions above VEI-4 and above the 10th latitude north occur far more frequently between January and June while researched over the past 200 years.
Out of 114 total eruptions in the world only two have ever occurred in the month of December. The North American plate is roughly 3,000 miles wide and if it was made of solid granite it would expand 84 feet per one degree of temperature rise. This process applies pressure to the neighboring plates acting as a shutoff valve for volcanic eruptions. The radiators in our automobiles use this same design by capping and pressurizing the fluid while hot, and then relieves additional pressure once cooled.
This expansion and contraction, along with gravitational pull, ocean tides, jet streams and internal forces beneath the plates move them across the surface like a snail creating what is known as “Continental Drift.”
Earthquakes were found to rise during periods of transition, spring and fall. In the northern hemisphere, they peak in April and October and as you travel north to Alaska the period of time extends to May and November. Earthquakes also increase as heat rises and is a natural progression of heat and pressure.
Earthquakes demonstrate transitional layers beneath the surface very similar to our atmospheric layers. Earthquakes drastically rise at 4 depths, 15km where the continental plates interact and 35km where magma exists in a gelatin form. The two other levels rise slightly again at 400km and then jump at 600km beneath the surface.
Liquid in a sealed container cannot be compressed and when pressure is applied the force is equally distributed in all directions. This is known as “Pascal’s Theory.” Oil is naturally found in chambers under pressure. When this oil is extracted from the Earth displacement occurs over time to adjust for the altering pressures and will increase earthquake activity in both frequency and magnitude. The longer the production and the increased volume removed, the greater this threat becomes. Just like a set of shocks absorbers on your car that uses oil for a smooth ride, when the oil leaks out a rough ride can be expected.
Current oil shale extraction is the greatest threat placed upon our world today. By heating the shale “Insitu” or in place heating, we increase the heat gradients beneath the surface. The heat applied will, in time, breach the surface.
When heat rises and resistance remains constant, the greater the temperatures will become. The Earth cannot destroy or take up this heat; this violates the law of thermodynamics because heat cannot be destroyed.
This heat will radiate in all directions and thermal equilibrium will be reached in time with the oil shale and the areas beneath where the temperature is equal to the shale, or 700 degrees. This will also increase the heat gradient beneath the region being heated creating a cap forcing the upcoming energy to remain trapped, and build.
Heat coming up from the core will build under these areas and once equilibrium is achieved it will build and rise to the surface. This heat will naturally bleed out from these areas following water flow as an outlet. The amount of heat that will reach the surface, in time, will be 488 degrees and be dispersed among the area through underground water systems. Declining water levels will add heat in these regions and drastically raise the heat gradients in time. After the shale is liquefied down into oil and gas, fracking is used for extraction. This fracking will allow more rapid heat flow between the layers of rock and soil. With this heat, the amount and depth of the energy applied, the amount of time it is applied, the area size are all influencing factors in determining the amount of time before this heat becomes a factor.
The further we bore down beneath the surface, the more we realize we don’t know what lay beneath us. Science has speculated the amount of heat within the core but both kinetic energy from the movement of magma such as earthquakes, and electrical current flow increase heat.
Current governments actions to combat climate change are seen in the skies today and is called Geo-Engineering, also known as Chemtrails. This process adds a layer of resistance to the atmosphere and will, by the law, decrease heat on the surface. There will be consequences to this activity as we try our best to control our planet.
Our planet is nothing we can control and combating climate change will end in failure with additional side effects, and many are unknown.
As the Earth heats and pressure continues to build, surface volcanic activity declines. This pressure will find the easiest outlet and this is found in the deep-water oceans where both pressure and proximity to the source is greatest. Deep-sea volcanic activity will raise the Ocean temperatures creating an El-Nino effect and alter the chemical composition of the oceans. The process of displacement will raise the sea levels faster than science currently predicts.
Combating climate change is waging a war with Mother Nature, a war we are destined to lose. Geo-Engineering, GMO’s, growth hormones and other technology today has nothing to do with saving our planet but has become humanities way maintaining our capitalist way of life.